2008年4月23日 星期三

Mi2 Studio

Mi2 堅持動機(Motivation)與創意(ideal)兩者相融合,製造出快樂的生活樂趣。動機(Motivation),發自內心深處,進而轉為行動力,不斷的朝向目標前進,達成最高品質的理想目標。創意(ideal),突發於想法,並觀察周遭所見,加值創新出最好之行動方案。由思維到腦力激盪,從創意落實到行動方案,這就是Mi2最強之道。

Mi2 holds on the integration of Motivation and Ideal so as to create a happy and fun life. Motivation originates from the deep heart and then further turns into the power of mobility which moves forward to the targets and helps achieve the ideal targets with the best quality. An ideal is inspired from thoughts and observations derived from the surroundings. With added values, the ideal creates the best solutions. The strength of Mi2 lies from thoughts to brainstorming and from creativity to realization of solutions.

Mi2於2007年7月成立於台北,堅持動機(Motivation)與創意(ideal)兩者相融合,製造出快樂的生活樂趣。Mi2的想像力是非常無限寬廣的,Mi2 集設計與生產的單位,以期待創造出提升生活樂趣的商品,讓擁有我們Mi2商品的消費者,能夠發自內心地對我們說出:「I’m so happy.」我們也將大聲的回應你:「Me too…」。

Mi2 was established in Taipei in 2007. Mi2 holds on the integration of Motivation and Ideal so as to create a happy and fun life. The imaginations of Mi2 are wide and endless. Mi2 with its design and production departments is expected to create the commodities for enhancing fun of lives. It is hopes that the consumers having Mi2 products could say: “I’m so happy”, out loud to us from the bottom of their hearts. And we will also be answering you: “me too…”.

1 則留言:

Unknown 提到...

贊喔! 真期待你們所開發的公仔...