2008年6月3日 星期二

Little Shanti

Little Shanti系列的角色是個可愛的孩子,他是你我心中最單純的那個模樣。
都有可能哦。Little Shanti共有五個色彩版本,配上五種不同的手持物,展現
出Little Shanti不同的心情。

The role in Little Shanti is a lovely kid who is like the simplest figure in you and me. Maybe he sincerely wishes you good luck today, but he may have an evil idea to set you up tomorrow. Ha ha – both are possible.Little Shanti has versions in five colors. Carrying five different carry-on gadget can reveal Little Shanti different moods.


Little Shanti 將在這次2008台北國際玩具創作大展首賣
